Globale Employee
Benefits Beratung

Der Schlüssel zu effektiveren Leistungszusagen

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Corporate - ASN, Advisory Services Network AG provides world-class international health, life, disability, and loss of income insurance for Private Clients (expatriates, globally mobile professionals, emigrating individuals, HNWIs, families, and travelers) and Group Solutions for Corporate Clients (internationally active companies). All insurance contracts can be serviced by our experienced multilingual support team. ASN also provides Services to Corporate Clients on Corporate Health, local and international Employee benefits, Pooling Set-up and Monitoring, Virtual Pooling and Reporting. 15

Ihre Employee Benefits Daten griffbereit

Wie effektives globales Datenmanagement für Benefits viel Geld sparen kann

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Corporate - ASN, Advisory Services Network AG provides world-class international health, life, disability, and loss of income insurance for Private Clients (expatriates, globally mobile professionals, emigrating individuals, HNWIs, families, and travelers) and Group Solutions for Corporate Clients (internationally active companies). All insurance contracts can be serviced by our experienced multilingual support team. ASN also provides Services to Corporate Clients on Corporate Health, local and international Employee benefits, Pooling Set-up and Monitoring, Virtual Pooling and Reporting. 13

Versicherungslösungen für Gruppen

ASN identifiziert die passenden lokalen und internationalen Versicherungslösungen für Ihre Mitarbeiter.

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Corporate - ASN, Advisory Services Network AG provides world-class international health, life, disability, and loss of income insurance for Private Clients (expatriates, globally mobile professionals, emigrating individuals, HNWIs, families, and travelers) and Group Solutions for Corporate Clients (internationally active companies). All insurance contracts can be serviced by our experienced multilingual support team. ASN also provides Services to Corporate Clients on Corporate Health, local and international Employee benefits, Pooling Set-up and Monitoring, Virtual Pooling and Reporting. 14
Corporate - ASN, Advisory Services Network AG provides world-class international health, life, disability, and loss of income insurance for Private Clients (expatriates, globally mobile professionals, emigrating individuals, HNWIs, families, and travelers) and Group Solutions for Corporate Clients (internationally active companies). All insurance contracts can be serviced by our experienced multilingual support team. ASN also provides Services to Corporate Clients on Corporate Health, local and international Employee benefits, Pooling Set-up and Monitoring, Virtual Pooling and Reporting. 18

Worldwide Employee Benefits

ASN-WEB ist ein ganzheitlicher Ansatz, der Unternehmen hilft, die Kontrolle über ihr Employee Benefits Management auf globaler Ebene zu erlangen, was zu Einsparungen führt.

ASN-WEB Toolbox - ASN, Advisory Services Network AG provides world-class international health, life, disability, and loss of income insurance for Private Clients (expatriates, globally mobile professionals, emigrating individuals, HNWIs, families, and travelers) and Group Solutions for Corporate Clients (internationally active companies). All insurance contracts can be serviced by our experienced multilingual support team. ASN also provides Services to Corporate Clients on Corporate Health, local and international Employee benefits, Pooling Set-up and Monitoring, Virtual Pooling and Reporting.

ASN-WEB Toolbox

Die ASN-WEB Toolbox liefert Ihnen weltweit alle notwendigen Informationen über die bestehenden, versicherbaren Employee Benefits und über die zu treffenden Massnahmen zur Optimierung der aktuellen Situation.

ASN Versicherungslösungen

Unsere Dienstleistungen für Arbeitgeber und Organisationen

Unternehmen - ASN, Advisory Services Network AG provides world-class international health, life, disability, and loss of income insurance for Private Clients (expatriates, globally mobile professionals, emigrating individuals, HNWIs, families, and travelers) and Group Solutions for Corporate Clients (internationally active companies). All insurance contracts can be serviced by our experienced multilingual support team. ASN also provides Services to Corporate Clients on Corporate Health, local and international Employee benefits, Pooling Set-up and Monitoring, Virtual Pooling and Reporting. 7


Unabhängig davon, ob ASN Ihr Broker ist oder nicht, zentralisieren wir Ihre globalen EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Daten im ASN-WEB EB Dashboard. ASN arbeitet mit Ihren Maklern und Versicherern zusammen, um dieses Ziel zu erreichen.

Unternehmen - ASN, Advisory Services Network AG provides world-class international health, life, disability, and loss of income insurance for Private Clients (expatriates, globally mobile professionals, emigrating individuals, HNWIs, families, and travelers) and Group Solutions for Corporate Clients (internationally active companies). All insurance contracts can be serviced by our experienced multilingual support team. ASN also provides Services to Corporate Clients on Corporate Health, local and international Employee benefits, Pooling Set-up and Monitoring, Virtual Pooling and Reporting. 6

Globale Mitarbeiter- und Leistungsoptimierung

ASN hilft Ihnen, Ihre Employee-Benefits-Landschaft aus globaler Perspektive zu optimieren, was zu mehr Kontrolle, besseren Rahmenbedingungen und Kosteneinsparungen führt.

Unternehmen - ASN, Advisory Services Network AG provides world-class international health, life, disability, and loss of income insurance for Private Clients (expatriates, globally mobile professionals, emigrating individuals, HNWIs, families, and travelers) and Group Solutions for Corporate Clients (internationally active companies). All insurance contracts can be serviced by our experienced multilingual support team. ASN also provides Services to Corporate Clients on Corporate Health, local and international Employee benefits, Pooling Set-up and Monitoring, Virtual Pooling and Reporting. 5

Virtuelles Pooling

ASN nimmt Ihnen die Last ab, sich um multinationale Pools für Ihre versicherbaren Employee-Benefits-Pläne zu kümmern. Alle Pools werden von ASN eingerichtet, verwaltet und über das Aggregated EB Dashboard berichtet.

Unternehmen - ASN, Advisory Services Network AG provides world-class international health, life, disability, and loss of income insurance for Private Clients (expatriates, globally mobile professionals, emigrating individuals, HNWIs, families, and travelers) and Group Solutions for Corporate Clients (internationally active companies). All insurance contracts can be serviced by our experienced multilingual support team. ASN also provides Services to Corporate Clients on Corporate Health, local and international Employee benefits, Pooling Set-up and Monitoring, Virtual Pooling and Reporting. 4


ASN ist als Makler in der Schweiz, der EU EWR und im Vereinigten Königreich lizenziert. In anderen Gebieten arbeiten wir mit ausgewählten Partnern zusammen, um Ihre Anforderungen zu erfüllen.

Individuelle Beratung für Ihr Unternehmen

Die Versicherungsexperten von ASN sind darauf spezialisiert, die komplexen Bedürfnisse von Mitarbeitern und Unternehmen zu lösen und bieten ihnen massgeschneiderte Unternehmenslösungen und -dienstleistungen an.

Buchen Sie ein Einführungsgespräch
Corporate - ASN, Advisory Services Network AG provides world-class international health, life, disability, and loss of income insurance for Private Clients (expatriates, globally mobile professionals, emigrating individuals, HNWIs, families, and travelers) and Group Solutions for Corporate Clients (internationally active companies). All insurance contracts can be serviced by our experienced multilingual support team. ASN also provides Services to Corporate Clients on Corporate Health, local and international Employee benefits, Pooling Set-up and Monitoring, Virtual Pooling and Reporting. 23

Kontaktieren Sie uns

Die meisten Versicherungsgesellschaften arbeiten nur in ein oder zwei Sprachen. Wir können Ihnen qualitativ hochwertige Dienstleistungen in Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch und Italienisch anbieten.

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