Ihre Gesundheit ist unsere Priorität

Exklusive Versicherungslösungen und erstklassige Dienstleistungen für hochrangige Familien und Geschäftsleute.

Family offices - ASN, Advisory Services Network AG provides world-class international health, life, disability, and loss of income insurance for Private Clients (expatriates, globally mobile professionals, emigrating individuals, HNWIs, families, and travelers) and Group Solutions for Corporate Clients (internationally active companies). All insurance contracts can be serviced by our experienced multilingual support team. ASN also provides Services to Corporate Clients on Corporate Health, local and international Employee benefits, Pooling Set-up and Monitoring, Virtual Pooling and Reporting. 20

Hervorragende Auslandskrankenversicherung

Family offices - ASN, Advisory Services Network AG provides world-class international health, life, disability, and loss of income insurance for Private Clients (expatriates, globally mobile professionals, emigrating individuals, HNWIs, families, and travelers) and Group Solutions for Corporate Clients (internationally active companies). All insurance contracts can be serviced by our experienced multilingual support team. ASN also provides Services to Corporate Clients on Corporate Health, local and international Employee benefits, Pooling Set-up and Monitoring, Virtual Pooling and Reporting. 15

Erstklassiger Privatstatus

Mit einer erstklassigen privaten Krankenversicherung geniessen Sie weltweit den höchsten Standard an Gesundheitsleistungen, einschliesslich einer hervorragenden stationären und Einzelzimmerversorgung.

Family offices - ASN, Advisory Services Network AG provides world-class international health, life, disability, and loss of income insurance for Private Clients (expatriates, globally mobile professionals, emigrating individuals, HNWIs, families, and travelers) and Group Solutions for Corporate Clients (internationally active companies). All insurance contracts can be serviced by our experienced multilingual support team. ASN also provides Services to Corporate Clients on Corporate Health, local and international Employee benefits, Pooling Set-up and Monitoring, Virtual Pooling and Reporting. 14

Direkter Zugang

Sie haben die Möglichkeit, Ihren Arzt, Spezialisten, Ihr Krankenhaus oder Ihre Klinik selbst auszuwählen – weltweit und jederzeit. Ausserdem haben Sie rund um die Uhr Zugang zu telemedizinischen und Web-Chat-Diensten.

Family offices - ASN, Advisory Services Network AG provides world-class international health, life, disability, and loss of income insurance for Private Clients (expatriates, globally mobile professionals, emigrating individuals, HNWIs, families, and travelers) and Group Solutions for Corporate Clients (internationally active companies). All insurance contracts can be serviced by our experienced multilingual support team. ASN also provides Services to Corporate Clients on Corporate Health, local and international Employee benefits, Pooling Set-up and Monitoring, Virtual Pooling and Reporting. 13

Concierge Service

Sie profitieren von Ihrem eigenen ASN Support-Berater, der Ihnen persönliche Unterstützung und professionelle Betreuung in Ihrer bevorzugten Sprache bietet.

Family offices - ASN, Advisory Services Network AG provides world-class international health, life, disability, and loss of income insurance for Private Clients (expatriates, globally mobile professionals, emigrating individuals, HNWIs, families, and travelers) and Group Solutions for Corporate Clients (internationally active companies). All insurance contracts can be serviced by our experienced multilingual support team. ASN also provides Services to Corporate Clients on Corporate Health, local and international Employee benefits, Pooling Set-up and Monitoring, Virtual Pooling and Reporting. 12

Zusätzlicher Versicherungsschutz

Sie können die umfangreichsten Leistungen in Anspruch nehmen, darunter routinemässige Mutterschaft, Zahnmedizin, Physiotherapie und alternative Medizin. Auch präventive Leistungen wie Vorsorgeuntersuchungen oder optische Untersuchungen können eingeschlossen werden.

Family offices - ASN, Advisory Services Network AG provides world-class international health, life, disability, and loss of income insurance for Private Clients (expatriates, globally mobile professionals, emigrating individuals, HNWIs, families, and travelers) and Group Solutions for Corporate Clients (internationally active companies). All insurance contracts can be serviced by our experienced multilingual support team. ASN also provides Services to Corporate Clients on Corporate Health, local and international Employee benefits, Pooling Set-up and Monitoring, Virtual Pooling and Reporting. 11

Zusätzliche Leistungen

  • Direkte Kommunikation
    Wir kommunizieren in Ihrem Namen mit den Versicherern im Falle eines Schadens. Wir kommunizieren zwischen Krankenhäusern und Versicherern im Krankheitsfall.
  • Andere Produkte
    Neben erstklassigen Krankenversicherungslösungen umfassen andere Produkte: Einkommensausfallversicherung, internationale Lebens- und Invaliditätsversicherung sowie Deckung für Ereignisse wie Entführung und Lösegeld.

Was ASN von anderen unterscheidet:

Family offices - ASN, Advisory Services Network AG provides world-class international health, life, disability, and loss of income insurance for Private Clients (expatriates, globally mobile professionals, emigrating individuals, HNWIs, families, and travelers) and Group Solutions for Corporate Clients (internationally active companies). All insurance contracts can be serviced by our experienced multilingual support team. ASN also provides Services to Corporate Clients on Corporate Health, local and international Employee benefits, Pooling Set-up and Monitoring, Virtual Pooling and Reporting. 10


ASN bietet Ihnen eine unabhängige und transparente Beratung in der von Ihnen bevorzugten Sprache und übernimmt alle administrativen Tätigkeiten im Zusammenhang mit Ihrer Police.

Family offices - ASN, Advisory Services Network AG provides world-class international health, life, disability, and loss of income insurance for Private Clients (expatriates, globally mobile professionals, emigrating individuals, HNWIs, families, and travelers) and Group Solutions for Corporate Clients (internationally active companies). All insurance contracts can be serviced by our experienced multilingual support team. ASN also provides Services to Corporate Clients on Corporate Health, local and international Employee benefits, Pooling Set-up and Monitoring, Virtual Pooling and Reporting. 9


ASN ist ein führender Makler für internationale Versicherungslösungen und kann auf über 25 Jahre Erfolg und Erfahrung zurückblicken.

Family offices - ASN, Advisory Services Network AG provides world-class international health, life, disability, and loss of income insurance for Private Clients (expatriates, globally mobile professionals, emigrating individuals, HNWIs, families, and travelers) and Group Solutions for Corporate Clients (internationally active companies). All insurance contracts can be serviced by our experienced multilingual support team. ASN also provides Services to Corporate Clients on Corporate Health, local and international Employee benefits, Pooling Set-up and Monitoring, Virtual Pooling and Reporting. 8


Als bevorzugter Partner der besten globalen Versicherungsunternehmen der Welt kann ASN exklusive Dienstleistungen für seine Kunden anbieten.

Family offices - ASN, Advisory Services Network AG provides world-class international health, life, disability, and loss of income insurance for Private Clients (expatriates, globally mobile professionals, emigrating individuals, HNWIs, families, and travelers) and Group Solutions for Corporate Clients (internationally active companies). All insurance contracts can be serviced by our experienced multilingual support team. ASN also provides Services to Corporate Clients on Corporate Health, local and international Employee benefits, Pooling Set-up and Monitoring, Virtual Pooling and Reporting. 7


Seit ihrer Gründung im Jahr 1995 hat ASN mehr als 55’000 Privatkunden. 150 Family Offices und 250 Firmenkunden in über 125 Ländern.

Family offices - ASN, Advisory Services Network AG provides world-class international health, life, disability, and loss of income insurance for Private Clients (expatriates, globally mobile professionals, emigrating individuals, HNWIs, families, and travelers) and Group Solutions for Corporate Clients (internationally active companies). All insurance contracts can be serviced by our experienced multilingual support team. ASN also provides Services to Corporate Clients on Corporate Health, local and international Employee benefits, Pooling Set-up and Monitoring, Virtual Pooling and Reporting. 6

Ihr persönlicher Experte

Wir sind Ihr persönliches Büro für alle Ihre internationalen und persönlichen Versicherungslösungen.

Cécile Malécot Lancien

Family Office Specialist

Wie können wir Sie erreichen?



      Kontaktieren Sie uns

      +41 433 99 89 89

      Rückruf vereinbaren

      Planen Sie einen Rückruf mit uns und sprechen Sie mit einem unserer internationalen Versicherungsberater.

      ASN – Der internationale Versicherungsexperte für:

      Family offices - ASN, Advisory Services Network AG provides world-class international health, life, disability, and loss of income insurance for Private Clients (expatriates, globally mobile professionals, emigrating individuals, HNWIs, families, and travelers) and Group Solutions for Corporate Clients (internationally active companies). All insurance contracts can be serviced by our experienced multilingual support team. ASN also provides Services to Corporate Clients on Corporate Health, local and international Employee benefits, Pooling Set-up and Monitoring, Virtual Pooling and Reporting. 4

      Auswanderung und

      Family offices - ASN, Advisory Services Network AG provides world-class international health, life, disability, and loss of income insurance for Private Clients (expatriates, globally mobile professionals, emigrating individuals, HNWIs, families, and travelers) and Group Solutions for Corporate Clients (internationally active companies). All insurance contracts can be serviced by our experienced multilingual support team. ASN also provides Services to Corporate Clients on Corporate Health, local and international Employee benefits, Pooling Set-up and Monitoring, Virtual Pooling and Reporting. 3

      Kurz- und

      Family offices - ASN, Advisory Services Network AG provides world-class international health, life, disability, and loss of income insurance for Private Clients (expatriates, globally mobile professionals, emigrating individuals, HNWIs, families, and travelers) and Group Solutions for Corporate Clients (internationally active companies). All insurance contracts can be serviced by our experienced multilingual support team. ASN also provides Services to Corporate Clients on Corporate Health, local and international Employee benefits, Pooling Set-up and Monitoring, Virtual Pooling and Reporting. 2
